Robotic Manipulation

Perception, Planning, and Control

Russ Tedrake

© Russ Tedrake, 2020-2024
Last modified .
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Note: These are working notes used for a course being taught at MIT. They will be updated throughout the Fall 2024 semester.

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Spatial Algebra

Throughout these notes we've introduced the basic rules of spatial algebra. I find myself looking back at them often! For ease of reference, I've compiled them again here. These make heavy use of our "monogram notation".

The Drake documentation also has a very nice summary of the multibody quantities and how they map to the monogram notation.

Position, Rotation, and Pose

As we introduced here, we use ${}^Bp^A_C$ to denote a position of point or frame $A$ relative to point or frame $B$ expressed in frame $C$. We use ${}^BR^A$ to denote the orientation of frame $A$ measured from frame $B$; unlike vectors, pure rotations do not have an additional "expressed in" frame. Similarly, we use ${}^BX^A$ to denote the pose/transform of frame $A$ measured from frame $B$. We do not use the "expressed in" frame subscript for pose; we always want the pose expressed in the reference frame.

The basic rules of spatial algebra are as follows:

Spatial velocity

Add acceleration

As we introduced here, we represent the rate of change in pose using a six-component vector for spatial velocity: \begin{equation}{}^AV^B_C = \begin{bmatrix} {}^A\omega^B_C \\ {}^A\text{v}^B_C \end{bmatrix}.\end{equation} ${}^AV^B_C$ is the spatial velocity (also known as a "twist") of frame $B$ measured in frame $A$ expressed in frame $C$, ${}^A\omega^B_C \in \Re^3$ is the angular velocity (of frame $B$ measured in $A$ expressed in frame $C$), and ${}^A\text{v}^B_C \in \Re^3$ is the translational velocity (along with the same shorthands as for positions). Spatial velocities fit nicely into our spatial algebra:

Spatial force

As we introduced here, we define a six-component vector for spatial force, using the monogram notation: \begin{equation}F^{B_p}_{{\text{name}},C} = \begin{bmatrix} \tau^{B_p}_{\text{name},C} \\ f^{B_p}_{\text{name},C} \end{bmatrix} \quad \text{ or, if you prefer } \quad \left[F^{B_p}_{\text{name}}\right]_C = \begin{bmatrix} \left[\tau^{B_p}_{\text{name}}\right]_C \\ \left[f^{B_p}_{\text{name}}\right]_C \end{bmatrix}.\end{equation} $F^{B_p}_{\text{name},C}$ is the named spatial force applied to a point, or frame origin, $B_p$, expressed in frame $C$. The name is optional, and the expressed in frame, if unspecified, is the world frame. For forces in particular, it is recommended that we include the body, $B$, that the force is being applied to in the symbol for the point $B_p$, especially since we will often have equal and opposite forces.

Spatial forces fit neatly into our spatial algebra:

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